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Birmingham Inverness Train

Find the information you need to book a train ticket on the Birmingham to Inverness line between England and Scotland here.

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We feature all available train fare types including advance, off peak and anytime, singles and returns. Find out what options are available on the line between Birmingham and Inverness now.

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About Birmingham

The city of Birmingham, which is located in the West Midlands in England and is the most populous city in Britain outside London. The city is a major international commercial centre and as a result it has excellent transport, retail, events and conference facilities. The city has six universities which makes it the largest centre of higher education in the country outside London.

Birmingham's architecture is largely a product of the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries having only really developed as a city as a result of the Industrial Revolution. Evidence of Birmingham's medieval history can be seen in its oldest churches, particularly the original parish church of St Martin in the Bull Ring, and two public houses - the Lad in the Lane and The Old Crown.

Birmingham's universities are: Aston University, University of Birmingham, Birmingham City University, University College Birmingham, Newman University and a campus of the University of Law and BPP University. The city is also home to the regional base of the Open University.

The city has three main line railway stations: Birmingham New Street, Birmingham Moor Street and Birmingham Snow Hill. Between them they offer passengers many direct services across the United Kingdom. Curzon Street railway station is planned to be the northern terminus for phase 1 of the High Speed 2 rail link from London which is due to open in 2026.

About Inverness

The city of Inverness is Located in the Scottish Highlands and boasts many historic buildings, especially in the Old Town, which can be taken in whilst browsing in the city's shops from the Victorian Market to the new Eastgate Centre. The city is ideal to explore whilst walking. Take a stroll to Inverness Castle, which is currently being used as a courthouse, and to St Andrew's Cathedral which dominate the beautiful riverside setting along the River Ness. Alternatively take the circular walk along the river and through Ness Islands where you can observe anglers casting lines in their attempt to catch leaping Atlantic salmon. Day tickets can be purchased to try this for yourself. Above the city lies Craig Phadrig, once the stronghold of Pictish Kings, which offers interesting forest walks and magnificent views of the Moray Firth, home to a diverse range of wildlife including bottlenose dolphins which can even be seen from the city. To the south west, and just 15 minutes from the city centre lies Loch Ness, where it's compulsory to keep an eye out for our most famous resident – Nessie – but of course there’s much more to see and do than monster spotting.